Home Internet Monitoring Employee Internet Use

Monitoring Employee Internet Use


The Internet has become an invaluable resource in the workplace; the world’s most extensive reference library, social media center, and pornography outlet is now only a click away. This availability presents a significant risk factor for employer liability, costing employers thousands of hours of productivity each day. Monitoring employee internet use is one way to reduce employer liability. Whether or not you agree with the principles behind internet monitoring, many employers agree that it is a necessary evil.

Internet abusers range from upper management employees in private offices viewing hardcore pornography to the department assistant in a cubicle that spends 3 hours online shopping, making travel arrangements, and paying bills through the company Internet. Internet abuse is endemic in the workplace, and organizations must face the problem head-on or suffer the consequences.


The many consequences of internet abuse are a loss of productivity and scores of litigation issues such as sexual harassment, hostile work environment, and discrimination. Monitoring Employee Internet access is one way an organization can limit its liability.

Defining Internet Abuse

Defining Internet abuse is the first challenge, and creating an organization-wide acceptable use policy (AUP) is the first step in the definition. An AUP defines what constitutes internet abuse in your organization. The organization determines what lines will be drawn regarding internet abuse. Good internet behavior in one organization may be unacceptable in another, so the AUP is a highly customized policy based on the organizational mission.

The key to a successful AUP implementation in most organizations is similar to other policy development issues in the workplace. There must be “buy-in” from the “top-down”; in other words, the organization’s leaders must agree to the principles of the AUP and endeavor to push that policy down to the directors, managers, and supervisors within the organization. The most critical stage of AUP development depends on upper managemmanagement’sn” and their willingness to demonstrate the importance of this policy to the rest of the organization.


Internet Workshops

Holding a series of Internet workshops with the employees of your organization is one way to introduce your new acceptable use policy. As an educational session, an internet workshop can address the sensitive issues surrounding internet abuse in an open forum where employees can ask questions and provide input in a non-confrontational setting.

During the internet workshop, the organization can begin educating employees about Internet abuse and allow them to evaluate their internet habits at work. Being as open as possible with your employees regarding your chosen methodology for enforcing the AUP is essential.

For example, if the organization has decided to employ Internet blocking technologies, the AUP should define the specific types of websites that will be blocked; for example, many organizations block pornography, “gross depictions,” and “hate” websites. Discussing the types of websites the organization has decided to stop and answering questions regarding the reasons for blocking will reinforce the organizational mission and demonstrate the types of inappropriate websites within your organization.


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