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Can a Canadian citizen Buy Property in India?


If you’re a Canadian citizen looking to buy property in India, there are a few things you need to know. While the process is generally straightforward, you’ll need to know key differences between buying property in Canada and India. You can easily buy property in India by investing directly or selling your own home. With a bit of research and preparation, you can make the purchase of your dreams in India.

Many countries have started looking toward India for property investment. Many real estate companies in India help you invest in property. Various cities in India offer excellent returns on investments. Many Indian citizens also travel overseas and invest their money in foreign properties. They invest in properties in countries like the US, UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, etc. So, this is the right time to invest in property in India.


As an Indian citizen living in Canada, it is not easy to buy property abroad. This post will share my experience buying property in India and what the process entails. Property in India is expensive. Believing it is even more costly. I will share how I bought a house in India for less than $100,000 using a friend’s help and a little cash. In the same way as buying a home in Canada, you can also choose to have an agent assist you with purchasing property in India. It may seem strange at first glance, but this works well because Indian banks are regulated and don’t make the restate agents charge exorbitant fees.

Can a Canadian citizen buy property in India?

As an Indian citizen living in Canada, it is not easy to buy property abroad. This post will share my experience buying property in India and what the process entails. My story begins with a friend who is living in Delhi. He told me he wanted to buy a house in Delhi, so we collaborated. He found a property for sale, and I put in an offer. After an email exchange, I discovered I got the offer accepted. We went to the seller’s office to sign the documents and pick up the keys. We discovered they were moving out, and we would be the new owners.

Can US citizens own property in India?

It is not easy for an Indian citizen to buy property abroad. It is so difficult to purchase property that even Indians living in Canada have a tough time doing so. The only way is to get a Canadian friend to do it. There are a couple of ways to buy property in India. One is to get your Canadian friend to get the visa and then use their bank account to transfer money from your bank account. The other option is to use a friend willing to lend you the money you need to pay a broker to do the paper in either casework.

What are the restrictions on foreign ownership of property in India?

As an Indian citizen living in Canada, it is not easy to buy property abroad. In this post, I will share how I bought a house in India for less than $100,000 using a friend’s help and cash. What are the restrictions on foreign ownership of property in India? Property in India is expensive. Buying it is even more costly.

I will share how I bought a house in India for less than $100,000 using a friend’s help and a little cash. I could have purchased a home for more than $100,000 in India. However, it would have taken a lot of time and money to find a property, do the door, and deal w, with the red tape.

How to buy property in India as a foreigner

As an Indian citizen living in Canada, it is not easy to buy property abroad. This post will share my experience buying property in India and what the process entails. Property in India is expensive. Believing it is even more costly. I will share with you how I bought a house in India for less than $100,000 using a friend’s help and a little cash. Before you search for a home, you must decide whether you want a villa or a bungalow. The difference between these two types of houses is that a place is a one-story structure, and an estate is a two-story.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where can Canadian citizens buy property in India?

A: Canadian citizens can purchase residential and commercial properties anywhere in India.

Q: What’s the difference between buying property in India and overseas?

A: When you buy property overseas, you are purchasing the land and the structure (e.g., home) on the ground, but when you buy property in India, you are purchasing only the land.

Q: How long does it take to get a bank loan for a home in India?

A: Depending on the lender, the loan application process can take two days to six months.

Q: Do you need a down payment to buy property in India?

A: For some properties, you do need a down payment. Some lenders require a down payment of 20 percent of the purchase price.

Top 7 Myths About

1. You can’t own property in India.

2. A Canadian can’t own property in India.

3. Only Indians can buy or own property in India.

4. Only foreigners can buy property in India.

5. You can’t buy property in India if you’re a Canadian.

6. Indians won’t sell their property to foreigners.

7. Canadians can’t own property in India.


For foreigners looking to buy property in India, there are several things you should know before you start searching. The main thing is that there are many regulations and restrictions for buying property in India. So make sure you know what you’re doing before you start. Another thing to consider is whether or not you are eligible to buy property in India. Are you married? Have you been living in India for over two years? Do you have a job in India?


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